Ruth Fatt - Kuru Ala - Seven Sisters’ story - 147 x 100 cm - 16-191

Ruth Fatt - Kuru Ala - Seven Sisters’ story - 147 x 100 cm - 16-191
Ruth Fatt - Kuru Ala - Seven Sisters’ story - 147 x 100 cm - 16-191

Ruth Fatt - Kuru Ala - Seven Sisters’ story - 147 x 100 cm - 16-191


Artiste : Ruth Fatt

Titre de l'œuvre : Kuru Ala - Seven Sisters’ story

Format : 147 x 100 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Tjungu Palya

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 16-191

Indisponible - Not available

Explications de cette peinture Aborigène :

Ruth has powerful spiritual links to the desert. Traditional knowledge of food collection and water sources were vital for survival in this dynamic desert landscape and is a prominent theme in her work. Ruth has cultural connection to Kuru Ala, and other sites associated with the Seven Sisters Tjukurpa; to Kata Ala, Pukara, Punuwara and Irrunytju.

This cultural knowledge is handed down orally in the retelling of the Tjukurpa (traditional stories of the ancestors’ journeys), which not only sustains Anangu (Aboriginal people) physically, but socially and spiritually. Tjukurpa painting depicts a fragment of a larger story, a living history where an ancestor was involved in creating country.

Ruth has familiy ties with Maringka Baker, Tjayangka Woods, Anmanari Brown and Wingu Tingima and together with their families they have authority and ownership of this land and the associated sites and stories. Wingu narrated the following story for Kuru Ala, "This is Kungkarrakalpa Tjukurpa (Seven Sisters). Secret country for women.

Collections :
Artbank, Australian Government National
The Lepley Collection, Perth, Western Australia.
W & V Mcgeoch, Melbourne, Victoria


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