Maringka Burton - Anumara Piti - 152 x 122 cm - 575-23

Maringka Burton - Anumara Piti - 152 x 122 cm - 575-23
Maringka Burton - Anumara Piti - 152 x 122 cm - 575-23

Maringka Burton - Anumara Piti - 152 x 122 cm - 575-23


Artistes : Maringka Burton (1950)

Titre de l'œuvre : Anumara Piti

Format : 152 x 122 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène d’Iwantja

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 575-23

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Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :

Maringka’s country is in the far western region of the APY Lands, close to the West Australian border. The dreaming story of the caterpillar is special to that area and Maringka often paints themes of this story into her canvas.

"I really always paint this Country, Anumara Piti􀀁. I paint the big rockholes with the linking paths taken by the green Anumara caterpillars, creating the Country, travelling in their long lines as always. Really, as I say, I have painted my Tjukurpa [ancestral crea􀀁on story] for a long time, the ‘Caterpillar Dreaming’ at Anumara Piti."

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