Raymond Bush - Mantuwujini (Dugong) - 180 x 60 cm - 241-19

Raymond Bush - Mantuwujini (Dugong) - 180 x 60 cm - 241-19 - art_aborigene
Raymond Bush - Mantuwujini (Dugong) - 180 x 60 cm - 241-19 - art_aborigene

Raymond Bush - Mantuwujini (Dugong) - 180 x 60 cm - 241-19


Artiste : Raymond Bush

Titre de l'œuvre : Mantuwujini (Dugong)

Pigments naturels sur toile de lin Belge

Format : 180 x 60 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Jalimara (Tiwi Island)

Référence de la peinture : 241-19

© Photo : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist & Jilamara Art centre (Tiwi Island)

Explications sur cette œuvre :

Known alternatively in English as Sea Cow, Mantuwujini are hunted with harpoon spears along the northern coast of the Tiwi Islands, found in areas of sea grass, where they graze. A gentle and sadly endangered mammal, the animal is prized for it's tender rich flavoured meat and the fat produces oil which is reputed to be good for the hair.

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