Daniel Walbidi - Kulyakartu - 837547 - 180 x 95 cm (sold)

Daniel Walbidi - Kulyakartu - 180 x 95 cm
Daniel Walbidi - Kulyakartu - 180 x 95 cm

Daniel Walbidi - Kulyakartu - 837547 - 180 x 95 cm (sold)


Artiste : Daniel Walbidi

Titre de l'œuvre : Kulyakartu

Format : 180 x 95 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Bidyadanga

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 837547

Explications pour cette œuvre :

Daniel says "this is a border place between Yulparija and Warnman country. This is where all the old people used to live. The Yulparija and Warman people shared this country. We went through here when we travelled to our traditional country in 2006 from our current home at Bidyadanga on the coast two hours south of Broome. There are plenty of jila (living water) here. There is also an old mining road and two windmills here."

Kulyakartu is in the Great Sandy Desert of W.A. south and west of Winpa located near the Percival Lakes. Winpa is a gathering place, an important rain making site that was created by the last ancestor to change into the landscape. Winpa had travelled to the south and seen all his countrymen changing into sacred snakes inhabiting important waterholes. He was the last one to lay down and was a very powerful law man and rainmaker. He rested near his five sons. He remains active still today.


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