Yuyuya Nampitjinpa - Rockhole site of Umari (Ancestral travel stories) - 87x28cm - YN1903078 (sold)

Yuyuya Nampitjinpa - Rockhole site of Umari (Ancestral travel stories) - 87x28cm - YN1903078 - peinture aborigene
Yuyuya Nampitjinpa - Rockhole site of Umari (Ancestral travel stories) - 87x28cm - YN1903078 - peinture aborigene

Yuyuya Nampitjinpa - Rockhole site of Umari (Ancestral travel stories) - 87x28cm - YN1903078 (sold)


Artiste : Yuyuya Nampitjinpa

Titre de l'œuvre : Rockhole site of Umari (Ancestral travel stories)

Format : 87 x 28 cm

Provenance : centre d'art aborigene de Papunya Tula

Le certificat original du centre d'art Aborigène de Papunya Tula sera remis avec l'œuvre.

Référence de cette peinture aborigene : YN1903078

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Explications sur cette œuvre et l’artiste :

This painting depicts designs associated with the rockhole site of Umari, situated in sandhill country, east of Mt Webb in Western Australia. A large group of ancestral women travelled east from Umari to the rockhole site of Pinari, which is north west of the Kintore community. As they travelled the women gathered the edible berries known as kampurarrpa or desert raisin from the small shrub Solanum centrale. These berries can be eaten straight from the bush but are sometimes ground into a paste and cooked in the coals to form a type of damper. From Pinari the women continued their travels towards the east to the site of Kalipinpa, a major water dreaming site north of Sandy Blight Junction.

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