Carolanne Ken - Minyma Makuli - 150cm x 150cm - 18-183 (sold)

Carolanne Ken - Minyma Makuli - 150cm x 150cm - 18-183
Carolanne Ken - Minyma Makuli - 150cm x 150cm - 18-183

Carolanne Ken - Minyma Makuli - 150cm x 150cm - 18-183 (sold)


Artiste : Carolanne Ken (1971)

Titre de l'œuvre : Minyma Makuli

Format : 150cm x 150cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Kaltjiti Arts

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 18-183

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Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :

This is the cave of Minyma Makuli (also known as Minyma Malilu) minyma nyumpu- the crippled woman. During the raintime she dug out this cave with her pitt, to be her big wiltja, shelter. She camped here at Kanypi with her kungkawara kutjara, two daughters, young women. She left and moved on south to Kunumata and then further on to Tankaanu. This is Carolanne's grandmother's country. The underground cave at Kanypi is a permanent water supply. Carolanne is from Fregon on the *APY Lands. Precise, fine brushwork are characteristics of her work. Carolanne is a keen story teller and combining a traditional style with a contemporary edge to her work, reflects a keen sense of place retaining the importance of traditional country as inspiration for her work. *Anangu Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara Lands, in the far north-west of South Australia.

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